Primal Gently Cooked Puppy Chicken & Salmon 8 oz
Primal Gently Cooked Puppy Food is a delectable and nutritious choice for your adorable pup. Crafted with premium ingredients and gently cooked to retain maximum flavor and nutrients, this puppy food provides a wholesome and balanced diet for your furry companion. Made with love and care, Primal’s commitment to quality and natural ingredients ensures your puppy gets the best start in life.
- Can be served as a meal or topper
- Organic produce
- Made in the USA
- High digestibility to support maximum nutrient absorption
- For best results, thaw in pre-portioned pouches in the refrigerator
- Pouches can then be refrozen and thawed as necessary
- Thawed foods will maintain optimum freshness for up to 5 days under refrigeration